Annual Service Nov 2006

The Annual Service of the Church of Ireland Men's society was held in St John's Malone. The service of Choral evensong was conducted by Canon John Mann. Lessons were read by Canon Wilfred Young (CIMS Lay Hon Sec) and Bill Christie. The prayers were led by Very Revd Patrick Rooke (CIMS Hon Sec.), and CIMS Chairman, Rt Revd Alan Harper led members in an Act of Rededication.

In place of the Magnificat the choir sang a new metrical version of the Urbs Fortitudinis by Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith to a tune by Dr Donald Davison, the organist in St John's. 

In his address the Primate, Archbishop Eames, challenged members of the Church of Ireland Men’s Society:

“There is an urgent need for the Church and its members to take stock of how current society is addressed.   Behind the smokescreen of the Troubles secularism has come of age in Ireland.   We have much evidence of this in the attitudes of people to norms in society, the attitude of government to what and who are important in Northern Ireland when it seeks consultation on legislative progress, in attitudes to Sunday observance and in what is important in educational curricula.   Attendances at Church worship indicate a changing life-style for many people.   The Church needs to re-engage with secular society through new appreciation of what seems to matter to ordinary people in their ordinary lives.   The Church must recognise that a secular society is not an enemy to the things of God – but an opportunity to communicate in new ways the spiritual dimension of the ‘still small voice’ of a God of understanding and love.”


After the Service during afternoon tea in the Seaver Hall Bishop Harper made a presentation to Archbishop Eames, followed by a presentation of flowers to Lady Eames by Dean Rooke.