CIMS Annual Service in Eglantine Parish Church on Sunday 7 Nov 2010  

CIMS Annual Service 2010-11


At the CIMS Annual Service in Eglantine Parish Church Bishop Harold Millar preached on “The Christian Mind”. He considered what is necessary to cultivate a mind which is discerning, a mind which understands what is right and what is wrong. He was emphatic in stating that no Christian service is complete without recourse to the scriptures and their interpretation. What our minds take in is most surely reflected in the way we live our lives. Therefore Christian instruction of the mind is of supreme importance. Our generation was blessed because a preceding generation passed on to us our Christian heritage and faith. However we as a generation have utterly failed to pass on that faith to the next generation. We may lay the blame on the power of material influences in the modern world, but that does not absolve us from our failure. This appalling situation lies squarely at our door and is a matter calling for true repentance. This devastating, but justified indictment merits quiet and sober reflection.

Annual Service 2010-11 Clergy

The Very Revd Patrick Rooke (CIMS Secretary), Bishop Harold Millar and  Canon William Bell (Rector of Eglantine)