CIMS Annual Service in Carnmoney Parish Church on Sunday 26 November 2017 - Christ the King  
The Annual Service was held in the Church of the Holy Evangelistss, Carnmoney on Sunday 26 November 2017, the Kingship of Christ. Evening Prayer was read by the Vicar, the Revd Mercia Malcolm and the address was given by the Dean of Armagh and CIMS General Secretary, the Very Revd Gregory Dunstan. CIMS Chairman and the Bishop of Connor, the Right Revd Alan Abernethy led members in the Act of Dedication After the Service members enjoyed refreshments in the Parish hall.
Carnmoney Parish church The Rt Revd Alan Abernethy (CIMS Chairman & Bishop of Connor), the Revd Mercia Malcolm (Vicar of Carnmoney) and the Very Revd Gregory Dunstan (CIMS General Secretary & Dean of Armagh)
In his address the Dean of Armagh said "The Kingship of Christ" is a Festival introduced by Pope Pius XI  in 1925 to rally Catholics against a tide of secularism after a war which had removed most of the Kings of Europe.

The main title of Jesus' Sovereignty is "Lord" but the title of King was used in his accusal and crucifixion. Unrecognised by Religious Israel he died as a representative of an exiled, dispersed and despised people. He died for the Kingdom of God taught in his teaching and compassion for the outcast and excluded.

 If we belong to this Kingdom  do we recognise him in his suffering people? Are we a community pre-occuipied with our own existence - the Church's year or our annual dinner - with little time to serve the Kingdom of God.

This Kingdom will be manifest in churches, communities and organisations who display something of his love, who are there to serve others, whose focus is outside themselves.

( For the full text click here )

What does this say to us as a Church and a Society?