CIMS Annual Service in St Finnian's Parish Church, Cregagh on Sunday 25 November 2018 - Christ the King  
The Annual Service was held in St Finnian's Parish Church, Cregagh, on Sunday 25 November 2018, the Kingship of Christ. CIMS General Secretary, the Very Revd Gregory Dunstan was the Celebrant for a service of Holy Communion and the rector, the Revd Canon Jonathan Pierce gave the address. The Curate the Revd Raymond Kettyle also participated. The Dean of Armagh led members in the Act of Dedication After the Service members enjoyed refreshments in the Parish hall.        St Finnian's Cregagh
Clergy anmd Choir CIMS Annual service 2018 In his address Canon Jono Pierce referred to the aspiration of CIMS members to strengthen their Faith. Our Lord while on earth showed the importance of spending time with God, but this requires Discipline. At the start of each day Jesus went out to a lonely place to pray because for the rest of the day of brutal demands he would have no time alone.

For us taking time alone with God should be a priority. We always have more pressing things so it is not easy to take time alone, to do so discipline is required. Life's circumstances change, but maintaining a discipline can help.

Finally he went on to make suggestions on what to do in the time:
1. Use Bible reading notes
2. Use prayers from Misission partners and from a card to remind him to pray for his Godssion agencies, for persecuted Christians from Open Doors, for CMS mon.
3. Use a notebook to record thoughts on the day's Bible passage.

The Revd Raymond Kettyle, Canon Jonathan Pierce and  the Very Revd Gregory Dunstan (CIMS General Secretary & Dean of Armagh) with choir members
  Congregation at CIMS service   Refreshments